

Anime/Manga enthusiast🇲🇽🇧🇷 | Check out my Anitok: Masked_saiyan101 (180k) & DragonBall only IG: Dbs_contents (45k). Business Email: [email protected]

フォロー数:726 フォロワー数:5462

Demon Slayer S3 E9 produced us with yet another ep of the week as Gyokko shows his majestic true form only to get fodderized by lil Muichiro😭Mitsuri ep next week as she finna go mf crazy Vs UPM4 Zohakuten😳🔥

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March31. The bday of the Uchiha’s last kunoichi & Boruto’s only ray of hope. With bein Hokage as her goal, will she abandon her shadow monarch Boruto in his time of need? Or suffer the effects of omnipotennce as foretold by Momoshiki? Only time will tell🔥

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Nobara’s return would be mf perfect😭
Yuji remainin a vessel runnin his sh*t vs Sukuna while Megumi is fightin from inside, w/ Nobara’s resonance it can strike the soul of Sukuna & make Itadori the perfect straw doll withOUT damagin Fushiguro👀

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Boruto rlly dropped best Ch of ‘23😭Kawaki givin 0 f^cks sayin he finna run it back & finish Boruto off for good in front of Naruto/Hinata only to then give them the Gojo treatment & seal them away💀+ Himawari scarin the sh*t outta the same Daemon who 0 diff Code😳Boruto on mf 🔝

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Toyotaro has confirmed that things “may or may not work differently in the DBS multiverse” so just imagine how mf HARD it’d go to see SSJ4 become canon in the form of the U6 saiyans👀 Kefla, Cabba & co have the tail + the potential to do so & it can distinguish them from U7🔥

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They’ve never said if the Beast form is Gohan exclusive so what if Future Trunks is able to pull it out?👀 With proper writing and a good explanation as how the form was attained this would lowkey be a W😳 But yall lmk

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Someone said Yuji would b a great big bro to Anya and I can’t unsee it now😭

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