

Multimedia artist/creator. He/they.

フォロー数:647 フォロワー数:290

Getting those lonely feels today. Went into this pandemic recently single and it was a blessing in it's own way. But can't help think it'd be nice to have someone to check in on (after friends and family) and talk about cute dumb dates to go on when it's safe again.

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I almost forgot I wanted to share this drawing of my dear Ravity. He's gotten more art from me than any other oc because he somehow doubled as my therapist. >__>;;;;

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Roughed out an idea of how I want to repaint the faces on these dolls I ordered last week. I apparently don't like happy faces. https://t.co/HBfw8Q1tKO

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Me: Updating mother on the severity of the world's state after she asked or disproving latest covid 19 cure she saw on FB.

Mom: Why are you so negative? You only look for the bad things in life.

My mother to me when I was 12: Friends aren't real. People will only ever use you.

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I relate too hard to this. The only thing I can reliably lean on each night is my stack of pillows.

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(Describe yourself ONLY using pictures you have. You CANNOT search for or download new pictures.) My phone didn't fail me, this is very accurate. https://t.co/FQU77yfGa0

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This week has been all stress and anxiety getting things sorted out for my mother (over the car getting hit) but tomorrow I'm determined to get something creative done!

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Ahh! So cute! And happy birthday!

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New rule: must sketch every morning before anything else. So today's coffee sketch is Laurent from I KNOW HE LOOKS LIKE LIO FOTIA. I saw Promare days before reading the series and imprinted Lio on Laurent SO HARD. But that makes me love them both so much more.

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I have two types and absolutely no shame. https://t.co/GbX5UjmL6U

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