

expect oc × canon cringe

Writing a fanfic instead of my original work lmao

Alisa Ilinichina Amiella × Lamina Tertius
(NewType shipping)


フォロー数:248 フォロワー数:243

Oldest Lamina drawing I could find next to his most current one.

3 10

Don't mind the dead Lamina or the reused background.

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Aleena hides what she really looks like as she's in hiding from people hunting down her kind, she's called an Ambrosian.

0 9

The main managers of New Angel Casino. Forté and Aleena.

3 18

Height comparisons of the girls in Heresy. Couldn't be bothered to draw clothes lol.
Left to right
Forté Chase Aleena

2 10

Redesigning Aleena's eyes to seem less human and less emotional.

2 9

Darkness darkness light friendship darkness

1 11

"A smile is a funny thing. When it's not there, people wonder why it's gone. When it is there, people are horrified of what it could mean."

3 8

He still appears to act impulsively and is deep down an adrenaline junkie. Constantly looking for the next thrill, but there is a method to his madness. If there wasn't his high speed hijinks would have gotten him killed a long time ago.

1 4

Zane Lumen may act like an idiot but he really isn't. He does this so people underestimate his intellect and just think he's a bumbling idiot, but his ability in Kinetic Transfer requires a lot of focus as he can only absorb kinetic energy of things he's aware of.

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