

Big fan of Professor Layton, Midlake and The Still in Lincoln.


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フォロー数:138 フォロワー数:1142

'Professor Layton and Pandora's Box' is the only game in the entire Layton franchise where a toilet can be seen, and bizarrely enough, it's on display in the Folsense Museum.

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when you solve the case of the missing prime minister and he gives you this look 😍😍😍

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Some of the credits images in Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright, upscaled a lil bit.

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Some upscaled artwork of Froenborg from Azran Legacy. Wanna start posting more cool behind the scenes stuff on this account, so expect more of this stuff soon!

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Gotta be the toilet hidden in the Herzen Museum in 'Professor Layton and Pandora's Box'. No idea why the devs put it there, but there we go.

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imagine if instead of kpop it was lpop and it's from the Layton series and you had girls all over Twitter being like "stream Towering Stronghold (Live Version)" and posting pictures like this and being like "OMG Dr Schrader looks so CUTE"

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Bill Hawks is an incredibly well-written character and is one of the best characters in the entire Layton series.

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