

フォロー数:90 フォロワー数:27

Smol&Stronk Finds himself standing before someone who thinks his both cute and beautiful... Oh and head pat-able can’t forget about that one. Let’s see how Smols reacts.

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Ms Nouvelle knows to gain the respect of her little puppy dog, she’s gonna have to dominate her first. In order to show who holds the leash. Aww Nephasis is such a good girl. Haha
It took awhile but I hope it’s to both of your likings.

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Seems the Nerd wanted to spit something out but couldn’t quite get there. Hmm, better luck next time. So anyway l’ve been watching an anime can you guess what it is?

3 30

While Schrodinger’s Pantsu still seems to be a thing in LETW when it comes to Alice I have decided to draw up my own conclusion.

9 59

I wanted to finish this on friday the 13th but guess friday the 20th if fine.. Doesn’t have quite the same ring to it though. Haha

5 24

The LETW girls is getting ready to solve the mystery, I wonder who it could be? The Nerd Alice’s mum who knows.

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I thought it could be fun to get the Nerds perspective on the first time Alice and him bumped into each other. Can’t wait to see what happens next in LETW keep up the awesome work.

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