

フォロー数:570 フォロワー数:315

Yeah posted a few days ago, but it doesn't matter I was just joking with ya V. It looks amazing by the way.

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My 4 Entries so far for the Contest OrangeCranberry is still a work in progress and theres a lot to come with it as well!

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2nd Submission for Pineapple Dragonfruit!! Support Is appreciated!!

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Creating Fruit Combinations.... This is my dragonfruit pineapple hybrid. Called DragonApple…... because the only other option would be PineFruit and that doesn't sound too great...

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First attempt at a random jersey design. Logo also created by me

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Ever since I lost a lot of functionality in my drawing hand due to a table saw accident. I haven't done a ton of stuff, but I've been making portraits and trying out creating logos digitally!!!

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I kinda gave up hallway through, but hey... Posty Posty Post!!!!

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The Only one that I colored and put effort into

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Random Daily Sketch
I still need to work on shading and everything, but I am only doing quick sketches and everything.

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