

❝For the sake of my friends, my faith in their--.. Our cause must never waver.❞ || {S: @SnarkyFlier}…

フォロー数:262 フォロワー数:299

"..Oh?" She's happened on the corner of camp plastered with Anna's signage.

"By naga, this is precisely the sort of thing.. Now, where could father be?"

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— things since far beyond the events of our time. Still, your elated expression is quite--.."

..Fetching, is what she'd nearly said.

"..Ah, reassuring. Perhaps there is merit to my parent's talk of bonding after all."

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"Brady, today's queue for the infirmary looks especially long."

"Is there anything I can do? Supplies that you're short on? It has been some time since you've worked in a formal tent, and I want to enable your best work."

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— reminder just how long it had been since I last witnessed your being captivated by something."

"We'd gone without for so long.. Knowing that, I set about earning the coin."

"It was.. nice. There was something decidedly 'normal' about soliciting chores to purchase a gift."

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“As for me, I suppose I’ll begin by browsing Annabella’s wares. Amenities aside, I hear there are characatures with our likeness on display again.” 💸💸

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“My, but the likes of Inigo, Gerome, Owain— even Laurent have already set about the resort.”

“It’s heartening to see.”

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“Hmhm. So I’d surmised.”

“The prospect has even someone like me feeling just a little nostalgic.”

“..Ah, tell me, have you already planned out your stay? Since the rest is so thoroughly taken care of.”

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“Oh, dear! A swordsman beneath the guise of a mask!”

“We’d failed to deduce the true identity of a ‘Marth’ prior.”

“Just who is this..?” 💦💦

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ok no that was pretty rad 🤙

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“Severa, I trust you’re prepared for tomorrow’s trip with time to spare, given the destination.”

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