

|He/Him|SFW|Digimon content creator and his Gazimon whose work includes an ongoing comic series, fan art, OC Digimon, Virtual Pets, the Digimon TCG and a blog.

フォロー数:140 フォロワー数:311

Fun fact! Grizzly loves pizza. With art by

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Back at you with another comic book and Digimon Crossover!

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Ya'll remember when we did comic book and Digimon Crossovers? *Hint*Hint*

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Late news but David's freaking out because in the Pokemon Universe he uses the alias "Teal", and it seems that there is going to be an official entry called "The Teal Mask"

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Grizzly here. I said I'm gonna change my Rookie form on the new Linker Digivice. I gave you a bunch of options but let's be real. I've seen the way things are going on Twitter. Y'all gonna make me Digivolve into this guy, I just know it.

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Insert shameless "this is doing numbers, if you like this you should follow me" comment. We do comics, OC Digimon, Virtual Pets, and just all around Gazimon goodness.

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I have a lot of Gazimon evolutions, but one of my favorites is the Ultra Level Gazillionmon

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Armor Digimon appreciation post! What's YOUR favorite Armor level Digimon? Is it an OC? Do you have any art of it? Let us see! Ours is Panzermon, the Evo of Gazimon with the Armor Digiegg of Dedication!

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We tracked down the origins of the malware! A TyrantKabuterimon was using it in an attempt to take control of unsuspecting Digimon. David and I confronted it, and with my new found powers in Fresnelmon, we were able to overthrow the rotten ruler. The mystery is solved!

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One of the neighborhood kids drew this picture and said "it's the snowy ghost that I saw last night". It looks a lot like Snow Gazimon, but the colors are all wrong. She said she saw it running away from my building. Has to be related to Grizzly's disappearance.

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