

@DegenToonz @LilHottiesNFT @wulfboysocial @QuirkiesNFT @DobermanGangNFT @SkeletGuys @CrazyBearsNFT @FatRatMafia

フォロー数:1050 フォロワー数:982


Thank you for tracking me down and reuniting this amazing with the matching OG Quirkie! Appreciate the smooth trade and what you do for this community ❤️

Alpha Set has been secured in the vault!

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Big thank you to for a smooth trade. Hooked me up with this to match my .

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I said a quick prayer when buying this $honey mint ticket. I was hoping for an Epic or a Legendary and got this amazing new Epic ! Thank you so much ! Epic bears provide 3 gems per day when staked, which means faster rewards for me! 😎

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We're going back to the profile picture. I never used to change my PFP but as my NFT collection grows I want to show off more of my fire pieces!

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The original Hot Belt trait is definitely my favourite, which is why I own 4 and counting. Look at the new Hot Pepper Belt coming out with the trait store though 🤩. This is just one of MANY new traits we'll have access to!

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If you haven't checked out on now is the time! They've recently launched a marketplace to redeem rewards for NFTs, raffles, etc. Full staking platform and everything is integrated into the Crazy Bears App. Don't forget $HONEY Discord token! More rewards!

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