

Twist the Dimensions, For the People Who Will Be Great, By the Power of Neuromarketing / Your Brain Power Enhancer: @DeepiaSpace.

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【Japan takes step toward light-based technology】

A Japanese team
announced a key step
in the development of
a quantum computer using photons,
or particles of light,
that eliminates the need
for an ultracold environment
used to cool existing machines.

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【Quantum Kernel Machine Learning】

The general task
of machine learning
is to find
and study patterns
in data.

For many datasets,
the datapoints
are better understood
in a higher dimensional feature space,
through the use
of a kernel function

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【Quantum Computing by Cirq】

An open source framework
for programming quantum computers
from Google

Cirq is a Python software library
for writing, manipulating
and optimizing quantum circuits
and then running them
on quantum computers
and quantum simulators

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【MNIST dataset】

The MNIST dataset is
an acronym
that stands
for the Modified National Institute
of Standards
and Technology dataset.

It is a dataset
of 60,000 small square
28×28 pixel grayscale images
of handwritten single digits
between 0 and 9.

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【Quantum Neural Networks (QNN)】

It is a machine learning model
or algorithm
that combines concepts
from quantum computing
and artifical neural networks.

Over the past decades,
the term has been used
to describe a variety of ideas

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【Quantum Computing Cloud】

It is a quantum computer
that can be accessed
in a cloud environment
through a network.

There are numbers
of cloud quantum computing services
that can be accessed by users.

They are used
to solve complex problems
that require powerful computing.

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【Quantum Computers on Site】

it is mostly done
by quantum-classical hybrid computation,
forcing the use
of unfinished quantum computers.

Long calculations produce errors,
so many short calculations
are performed and then tabulated.

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【Comparison to simulated annealing】

Quantum annealing
can be compared
to simulated annealing.

In simulated annealing,
the temperature determines
the probability
of moving
to a state of higher "energy"
from a single current state.

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【One Qubit】

One qubit
is represented
by a vector
on a two-dimensional
complex vector space

So there is a basis vector corresponding to ket0 and ket1,
the standard basis

One qubit takes
the state a × ket0 + b × ket1

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【Realization of a general-purpose quantum computer】

Quantum computers include
General-purpose quantum algorithms
and Quantum-classical hybrid algorithm

There are two types.

The former will be used
in the future,
The trend is growing

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