🖌️ Thumbnail artist🖌️さんのプロフィール画像

🖌️ Thumbnail artist🖌️さんのイラストまとめ

she/her ⭐️ ⭐️portfolio: Instagram.com/deesnookthumbs THUMBNAIL ART AND UPDATES ON HIGHLIGHTS TAB! THUMBS - 70.00 GBP/POUNDS. Non negotiable.

フォロー数:2171 フォロワー数:9244

For those who only know me for thumbnails I make. Know that I make cursed shit too 🥹

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my JoeJoe sticker has been approved so should be with me in a week! :D excited. You can also preorder :)

For those who don't know, I have a etsy store full of cursed merch! https://t.co/ngf8hsAgIC

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Joejoe stickers has been ordered for my etsy store!!
Depending on how well they do, i also wanna do keyrings!! :D
You can preorder now as part of the 1.50 sale!!!

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Coming to my etsy soon, just need to order<3 I NEED THE JOEJOE XD

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Mentally preparing myself for . 10 hour RD RP stream today. This is going to be glorious 😭😭😭😭😭

No one disturb me. I don’t exist until this stream is finished!

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I miss painting studies 😭 I just have no times these days but I miss it sm

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Not sure the type of thumbs you are looking for but I’m a thumbnail artist!

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