

Illustrator, graphist and spraycan NFT artist - Only on @objktcom, @foundation and @exchgART 🔥

フォロー数:1208 フォロワー数:820

KANEDA'S MOTORCYCLE on The urban art of DeezOne collection

Size: 4724*4724 px
Auction Start: 0.05 $eth
Or Buy Now: 0.2 $eth

0 0

🚨 NEW DROP on 🚨
KANEDA'S MOTORCYCLE on The urban art of DeezOne collection just been Opened…
Look, like, retweet and collected it, if you love🔥
Size: 4724*4724 px
Auction Start: 0.05 $eth
Or Buy Now: 0.2 $eth

4 15

So happy with the reissue of "3 Feet High and Rising" coming out tomorrow - Cheezy Freezy too… De La Soul isn't dead! - 3, the magic number! 💕
CF2-49 Collected by 🙏

2 6

Hey dude!
Show me your Cheezy Freezy and I'll give you one from the first collection*. End, tomorrow - 03.01.23 - 8pm!
(*One per collector).
Pass the word to neighbor 🔥

3 18

Good Monday!
🚨 Are you ready?, NEW DROP Cheezy Freezy, it's… NOOOOOW!🚨

3 13

GN my 😴
« Lila »
10 eds
Price 0.06 $eth
Size: 2732*2048 px
Like and RT appreciate… collected too 😜😘

0 9

GM everybody - it’s the weeeek-end, YES!

3 14