Denzel Mensah (Phoenix of The Gold Coast🕊️🔥🇬🇭)さんのプロフィール画像

Denzel Mensah (Phoenix of The Gold Coast🕊️🔥🇬🇭)さんのイラストまとめ

I share & organize my thoughts. Personality Psychology Practioner | Certified Life Coach | #ENFJ 9w1 So/Sx |IEE | I no longer take this app seriously.🙂

フォロー数:706 フォロワー数:3401

*ahem* welllll...I mean I do try when it comes especially time this particular type.

Haha nah I got you though. Excited for this one. 😊

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“Look. We don’t know EVERYTHING, but the thing or three we DO know!”-Ti Inferior

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Can’t believe I’m just hearing this. Pretty smoove vibes on this one. 👌🏾

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Hmm, yeah...I see. Yeah the only FJ types I know who struggled with this are Social repressed, but I wouldn’t have pinned you as that so that’s why I was wondering if there was an explanation. But I get you.

Well not that you need validation, but you rank pretty high in my book.

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