

Icon: Wada Arco (Current)
@/28css - (old)
Pinned: Takao Aotsuki

フォロー数:236 フォロワー数:397

"He made decisions with the intent to protect our tribe! It is through him that the Iceni could remain independent when you filthy Romans started to make a mess of Britannia. I never trusted your people from the start. Every single one was a curse. I see they are even mad too!"

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"I do not intend to forgive nor forget in the slightest. For as long as I remember... My hatred, even as I am now, will not leave me. It will not come to be. I cannot look past who you truly are. That said, I have tolerated you enough. Our conversation ends here. Farewell."

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"Good. I thought it to be impossible to get along. However, my husband saw things differently than I. He even chose to become an ally. Perhaps in another world it did play out that way, but all that remains is loss and bitterness in the end. Perhaps it was never meant to be."

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"Yes, you are right about that. I deeply care for the people of my tribe as well as the beauty of Britannia. I can clearly imagine it now. Rome tainted what I knew. I can never forgive the Romans. I will take your compliment, but that does not shake my dislike for you, Romulus."

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"Even if you were not alive do you not bear some responsibility? I will admit that you did not lead those who ultimately sullied my Britannia. Perhaps under a different leader the peace my beloved husband sought would become reality. Still, I cannot bring myself to like you."

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"Then why? Would you not prefer the company of your fellow Romans over someone else who cannot stand the sight of you? You confuse me, Romulus."

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"Upset? Is that how you see it? Hatred flows through my blood. I suppose there exists Romans who did not approve, yet those same people lived on ignorance. I wonder if your insistence to speak is another form of it."

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"Come to take more from me then? Was it not enough for you Romans? Well!?"

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"And a false peace it was! No honor nor mercy. That is how you dastards truly are. Like... to... speak with me? Have you lost your hearing, Romulus?"

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