

Gamer, Fan RPG, Technology Teacher, VoxelFarm's user, UE4, Drawer. All that i draw engages only me...

フォロー数:372 フォロワー数:190

Too squaree, miss detail and bad explaination. i have miss to finish the vitro... why i dont know :/.

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votre cercle du swap décoré avec des props dans une salle d invocation. ca donne :)

1 4

donjon qeynos: bot is finish, i m starting the next and last the top of the build

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church near the donjon & cimeterry of qeynos

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Small church finish. This build is out of contest but is great for qeynos

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cimeterry done (entrance donjon / first area)

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contest of qeynos: VOTE Jadam ! :) - old ruins in restoration

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transitionnal and top stair

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