Dein ✨🗡️さんのプロフィール画像

Dein ✨🗡️さんのイラストまとめ

I love anime! Kingdom Hearts/Xeno/Yakuza (LaD) and sometimes Trails.

フォロー数:100 フォロワー数:1559

Today's highlights for me

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You would think this might be a pokemon that i would know something about since our names are so similar.

but i actually forgot it exists lol

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The next Atelier game is going to be revealed in about a week or so... I wonder what's next:

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what do you think about the new crab pokemon Greg?

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I feel like this Pokemon is gonna be on everyone's team lol

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The next Atelier game should be announced relatively soon i'd say.

I'm betting on Ryza 3 as popular as she is.

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I think i'm gonna watch this, this season..

"When will Ayumu make his move"

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