Deka-artguy-classes in bio!さんのプロフィール画像

Deka-artguy-classes in bio!さんのイラストまとめ

フォロー数:640 フォロワー数:1659

Kanto is trending so hey I do a lot of kanto art

2 16

Quick one today. How is everyone's art going this Saturday?

Tauros and Miltank

2 27

I think I've come into my own recently but still gotta work on my composition and brushwork. Been feeling more confident with colors though

1 7



I see HGSS is trending. I never played the remakes but I played Silver to death way back in the day. Here's a few pieces I did from that gen. I have lots more if you give my account a scroll.

0 16

It's the boys!

The first hitmonchan that I've drawn that I don't hate

2 22

The og sketch definitely had a wildness to it I don't want to lose by over refining, but I need this thing to not go too off the rails. Hard to strike the balance

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