

-———————————————- 20 • Artist 🐾 -———————————- more active on IG @ muddiebootss // ————————————————————————————————————

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Just here to dump some art then I’ll disappear for another half a year lmfao 😂 sorry for spam 😳

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A few more things I’ve drawn the past couple days! 💕

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Some fullbody stuff for once lmao, I’m actually happy w these esp with that fur in the first one ahh

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Some doodles I did on my computer, I haven’t drawn on a pc in years lmao 😂

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A commission and then some personal doodles! 👀

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Well howdy twitter 👀
Just gonna dump off some of my recent work here don’t mind me 😂

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More recent stuff I did the other day! Last one was kinda experimental I guess, it turned out pretty interesting I think ^^

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