

フォロー数:537 フォロワー数:179

Earthquake he is unique for big bad guy character I love playing as him in the later samurai shodown game he is so much fun I love playing as him so much fun in that game with his ridiculous level 3 move

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Genjuro Kibagami one of the best characters in samurai shodown I love this character his play style is alot of fun and he reminds me of Ryu with little akuma I don't know why but he's pretty cool

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.Athena no not that one but the original no not the greek myth the original athena from the athena game SNK have an interesting version of greek myth but they did have a couple heroine fighting games. I'm surprised she hasn't appeared in the KOF games

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Red Arremer if you think he was tough in ghouls and goblins than your in for a treat in SVC chaos holy crap is he tough so he will beat the crap out of you in that game and he is the mid boss oh god is he tough why do they have to keep the spirt of the original ghouls and gobilin

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Zero from the Mega man zero games I'm very surprised this version of him made into the game but I will take it because more crossovers need him and he is also a mid boss which is pretty cool too

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Tessa from red earth yeah they choose a character from red earth and that is great because that is a good game and more people should play it and I love it when you pick the underrated characters in fighting games

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mr karate it differs in which game who they are most of the time its Ryo or his dad he is really broken in king of fighters 13 being a late dlc character which in fighting games can be broken in certain fighting games

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Violent Ken is pretty tough mid boss character and kinda Ken's version of evil ryu and is pretty cool I think this comes back in a comic crossover but street fighter seems to ignore in game most of the time made because of 2d model puffy hair

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Ryuhaku Todoh I'm curious why they picked him instead of his daughter who is a bit more popular oh well he is pretty fun and interesting choice for the game his family is rivals to the Sakazakis and is good friends with duck king and heavy D!

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Eagle he is really cool and refined to me I love that he is street fight move style version of nightwing its pretty cool I love his move in CVS 2 its really cool looking and I can see why he was added to the game

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