

Star Wars fan (Ugh).
Primarily talks about the Sequels and the Dyad. Does enjoy the space wizards kissing. Enjoys it a lot actually.

フォロー数:100 フォロワー数:2298

"Yeah well... Kylo Ren is super. In his own way." - Adam Driver 2019

25 146

The comics really put a more sinister light on what happened. And how it happened in a far more intimate way than we've seen previously in SW. He's exposed to Snoke at any time the latter needs or wants to prove a point, or sow a seed of doubt from across the galaxy.

1 41

There's just something icky about knowing how long Snoke has been interacting with Ben (Age 10.) And how he uses the "Childrens thoughts are pure, they do not practice self-deception" line as a way to manipulate Ben and convince him this new "identity" will make him feel seen.

38 151

He's just sitting there. Remembering everything that's happened.

4 65

The Dyad

Ben Solo Rey
The Rise of Kylo Ren The Rise of Skywalker

39 145

Anyone need cut outs of a young Ben for photoshop stuff or memes?

27 168

She looks so done with him in the top section. And it looks like he's crying in it. Then he's completely shook in the last. What a funny comic.

1 11

Don't waste your time on the guy.

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