

WCS Team Germany 2025
Deutscher Cosplay Meister 2023, 3rd Place E2C 2022 Final, WCS Runner Up 2016/2023, DCM Vizemeister 2016

フォロー数:751 フォロワー数:955

^_^ also für uns hat es sich wirklich gelohnt, so viel Nostalgie ~♡♡

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Lil: 😍 ach diese Flügel

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Unsere süss beginnt heute ~♡

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Our Tales of Vesperia has arrived today, Awwww so many feels so we want to share with you some old Photos from our Cosplay from Estelle and Yuri.
Who else is exicted to play Vesperia again?

Photo by us (2010)

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Our beloved has given us thos both SorMiks buttons nyaa ♡♡♡♡♡we simple love her SorMiks q^q

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From we have the charms from Tenn and Ryu from Trigger gosh we love the costume designe from this version so much ♡

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We're safe back in Germany after 3 amazing days at the AFA we coming home with a little bit loot from we got this cushion, standee and charm ♡

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~ Day 2 is over and we are so exhausted but we have meet our beloved ones 😍
(thx again for the cute sormiks charms 😭) and of course our dearest

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Nächste Woche Sonntag haben wir unser XMas Shooting mit zusammen ö ö bittet uns ihr Weihnachtsset zum shooten an ö ö ... und wir brauchen noch diesen glitzer Kunstschnee ö ö

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Jacke und Mütze noch dann ist fertig ö ö

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