

Cartoon Guy

フォロー数:206 フォロワー数:132

Turn around...

1 4

From one Maz to another, how are you goin ?

1 9

Character 55: Kenos (Greek for Void)

He was trapped in the void for quite some time and absorbed the void essence around him. Although it is too powerful for him to control, so he stores it in a magical crystal around his neck

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Testing style

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I haven't worn my leather jacket for a long time, can't wait till winter again to be able to wear it hopefully

I also have the background ability of a kindergarten kid

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Sooo I’m actually covering a shift this Saturday, so my next day off is Monday

So glad to be working 10 days straight 🙂

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New outfit for Maz

ft. green boy

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Pretty cool to know that I have a clone that is blonde

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Koraki 2am doodles

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