Skyline Corgi Fox 🐾🐾さんのプロフィール画像

Skyline Corgi Fox 🐾🐾さんのイラストまとめ

Just a derp looking to spread some love and happiness. (yes I know sounds clique)

looking to make everyone smile

Age: 26

Uk Fur

Co director of The Paradox

フォロー数:5002 フォロワー数:1560

Happy hecking birthday

Best of luck to everyone entering

Your models are beautiful

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Thanks for the opportunity

Want to wish everyone the very best of luck

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I do lovely
Pay what you want commissions running here

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My pay what you want commissions are open if that's any help

This is one example of my work

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I'm happy to offer some of my art services if that's any help

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Here's some art and pictures of Skyline
He is my fursona
He's a Corgi/fox
HUUUUUGE derp of a bean

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My 2 gryphons count?
Meet Scampi and Gemini

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Braydens ref sheet is currently being reworked so hopefully these would work

Best of luck to everyone entering

Your work is stunning

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Scampi has yet to have a ref sheet made.

So hoping this will help

I would like to tag the lovely ,

Best of luck to everyone entering

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Your plushies are very cute

Best of luck to everyone entering

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