

Hobbyist artist, Sonic and Nintendo fanboi, Dodgers and Rays aficionado. And rapidly approaching ur location.

フォロー数:280 フォロワー数:351

Some art for a raffle winner in a server on discord!
Smoky and not alt


6 19

Art I drew for an OC collab, one of myself and another of a buddy who needed art

oh also art style change, wanted to experiment with a thinner line art

0 9

Forgot to post here, whoops
Gift art for and !

2 24

Day 1 of
Did a very basic title screen, yes I know its lopsided
(im aware im a day behind, just trying to catch up)

1 12

Art I did for , an amazing friend <3

1 19

Im thinkin.... Ravenclaw
beeg brain time
Also, congrats on 3K!!

0 2