

I'm just artist who want be good but in true i can't do nice stuff so here you have some shit from me .. yey…

フォロー数:102 フォロワー数:392

Balloon wrestling YEAAAAAAAAA
In In the left corner a Big Green latex monster the orb of destruction , the one that make you go squick A BALLOON !
in the right corner a some creature that want snuggle balloon ..

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Welp that big guy just pass his limit and learn that is rather anoying when you stompers can't touch the ground to push to even more around , oh well that waht you get for eating to much .

i have no idea why i did this but have a silly round boy wiggle his behind foot paw.

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Look a snake like creature and raptor kinda ish holding a balloon because you know snakes and other stuff also i kinda was playing around with color and styles once again hope you guys enjoying it

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oh yes it's some more paws from that one day when i was all about paws and what better then make a one squishy and inflated , and for such good job on them i get even one squish on my face >//> hf hf

oh and there some bulge hide because bulges are nice .

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I kinda like the fog effect so ye here you go some silly thing i drew one time for practcie on some effect and style .

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A little plushy creature with tones of visible stitches to hold it together just for charm and welp because fun
i really like how that tongue look like here that mostly why i'm uploading it ha also it was fun thing

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So i one day was just drawing around without any reason and somehow i make something that was looking kinda like a cool icon so i just work on it little more and add few diffrent spin off so here have some dragons like icons i kinda feel good about it and the background effect .

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Look like someone who wear as scales found himself a balloon whily taking a brake on a bench , curios if the balloon will surive that attention :P
i like feet and balloons so ye why not give some creature like crocodile or alligator or some dino , a balloon to play with

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I was really inspired by Style , it just look so interesting that i was need to give it a try and i will say it's hard ha . but ye have some balloons guys oh and total go check this artist stuff he doing such awesome things mostly his new kobolds sticker , so nice

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i will asume something close to this

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