🍪 Cookie Dogo 🍪さんのプロフィール画像

🍪 Cookie Dogo 🍪さんのイラストまとめ

A 29 y/o | Gay | Green Dog Bent On Eating Cookies! | BF : @GostWolffang | Fursuit by: ukSTARSLIKEROSES on Etsy

フォロー数:543 フォロワー数:568

Re-thinking about what I wanna do on youtube...Helping me do this I commissioned to make character stills like some below to help create my channel and make it unique!

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I recently lost not just my favorite artist...but a friend I would consider more then a friend but a family member. died recently from cancer and it saddens that he died so young. I'll miss him but he will never be forgotten. I feel your pain oh to well. R.I.P <3

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He is someone that will never let anything get him down. He is the most strongest person i could have ever know and im greatful that i got the chance to be apart of his life and as a friend. May he rest in peace cause i know hes watching over us and helping us through each day.

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Why have a fursuit when you can be....you?

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