

Part time horse, part time shark, full time tired.
30, they/them

フォロー数:1636 フォロワー数:221

Hi I'm Jack and I never fuckin learned how to read 👍
He a fall boy, he's all hooves 🐴

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So happy to have found your stuff! Looking great 💙💜 let's seeeeee..

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Hope it's ok to drop my girly in here 💙💜 always no pressure. Hope you get feeling better soon

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Damn you for making me pick.. toss up between Atlantis and Treasure Planet, but TP wins out juuust a bit more, pirates were my thing 💙💙💜💜 love ya Foxy!

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Oh god.. pretty sure Carmelita (definitely Sly too later) from the Sly Cooper series was my first, those games were my childhood 💙

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I know I'm late but I hope it's ok if I still put my sharky in 💙💜

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