

フォロー数:3 フォロワー数:159

Drew Marle from Chrono Trigger :)

9 32

Drew Crono from Chrono Trigger. Finally getting around to playing this (much revered) RPG, loving it so far ^_^

2 16

Drew some more Kat fanart. Playing through Gravity Rush 2 right now and it's such a joy to play ^_^

46 123

Finished some fanart of Shiki from . Really hope the rumor of her being in the new game is true :)

12 31

Drew Leona from and :)

41 120

Drew King from ^_^

33 90

Finished some fanart of Mai from Been playing her a whole bunch in Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 recently ^_^

5 20

Drew Mian, Kukri and Sylvie from I may or may not have just watched XD

27 52

Finished some fanart of from and Zero from Drakengard. Most seem to have fallen head over heels for 2B but imo Zero is still Yoko Taro's best girl :)

7 15

Drew Nero and Nico from So happy that DMC is back!

27 66