Dickens Fellowshipさんのプロフィール画像

Dickens Fellowshipさんのイラストまとめ

The Dickens Fellowship was founded in London in 1902 and is devoted to the life and works of Dickens. We are based at the Charles Dickens Museum, Doughty St.

フォロー数:738 フォロワー数:4372

DOTD -01/02/1878 - George Cruikshank, illustrator of the 'Sketches' and 'Oliver Twist'.

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BOTD - 19/09/1867 - Arthur Rackham, whose illustrations for 'A Christmas Carol' appeared in an edition published in 1915.

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DOTD - 13/09/1863 - Elizabeth Dickens, mother of CD and possible model for Mrs Nickleby. "My poor mother died quite suddenly at last. Her condition was frightful." To W.H. Wills 14/09/63

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BOTD - 04/07/1840 - Marcus Stone RA, who CD selected to illustrate OMF. It was Stone who introduced CD to the taxidermists in St Giles's which became Mr Venus's shop in the novel.

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DOTD - 13/03/1854 - Thomas Noon Talfourd, barrister, judge and author. CD dedicated PP to him, attended the funeral and wrote an obituary of: "the conscientious judge, the charming writer and speaker, the gentle-hearted, guileless, affectionate man ." HW 25/03/1854

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BOTD-27/11/1796-Sir Richard Mayne, first Commissioner of the Met Police. "Some nameless policeman...is constantly...getting himself blown into (the) Surrey Canal. Will SIR RICHARD MAYNE...restrain that weak-minded and feeble-bodied constable?" 'Refreshments for Travellers' 1860

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OTD - 05/11/1605 - the Gunpowder Plot was uncovered. "There was unquestionably a Chuzzlewit in the Gunpowder Plot, if indeed the arch-traitor, Fawkes himself, were not a scion of this remarkable stock." MC 1

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The next Central DF meeting, via Zoom, is on Tuesday 21st September at 18.00. The talk will incorporate railway catering, cricket, and these two handsome gents. There's bound to be something better on telly!

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DOTD - 12/09/1863 - Elizabeth Dickens. She was buried next to her husband in Highgate cemetery. CD composed the (less than fulsome) epitaph on the stone - "Here also lie the remains of Elizabeth Dickens,/ His wife,/ Who died September 12th 1863,/ Aged 73 years."

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Congratulations to DF member Dr Nick Cambridge whose book, based on his extensive research into the medical history of CD, is due to be published next year.

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