

Idontknow777(7) 11/03/1998 Age: 25
Embarrassed chonks in undies & Birds guud
Purely a lover of things, don't want to be involved in it.
I purely be SFW Dogo

フォロー数:208 フォロワー数:258





Seems The Conductor and DJ Grooves had a VERY embarrassing accident when fighting for movie spotlight, but hey, now both can be the star of the movie (to their dismay and their workers' enjoyment)~
Amazing pay what you want commission from , go support them (for burbs)

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Also don't know if "obscure" but Chozos get like no art and these boys are very good.

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Ok, then how about:
Revali (Zelda Breath of the Wild)
Crash (Crash Bandicoot)
Gex (Gex)
Or Beerus (Dragon Ball Super)

(Also, thought I would say I LOOOOVVVEEE fat guys when they're blushing in underwear. You don't have to have that aspect, but just thought I'd say)

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Well, I'm not done coloring this yet, but since it's a fat Morgana mood...

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