

He/Him catch me at diemtf.tumblr.com or @[email protected]

My beginner-friendly Kamen Rider discord: discord.gg/dz7rD48rY

フォロー数:813 フォロワー数:1027

The gradual process of "oh it's a bunch of fins that happen to look like a beard" to "oh it's just a beard" is fascinating to watch.

15 104

rotating this in my mind

4 23





Optimus Prime: exclusively and diligently uses his starter and the first five Pokémon he catches to complete the game. Picnics often. Apologizes under his breath every time he beats another trainer.

13 70

People who haven’t played Pokémon: which of these characters is 27 years old and which is over 40 years old?

1 8

The villain-to-park-ranger pipeline at work

7 24

Blurr is a car according to his profile and original toy box, wheels or no. The vehicles from the Wipeout series are ships.

0 1