

⚜the smallest of small men⚜
🇨🇺 ENG/SPA◇18◇She/He/They/It◇
《Everything will be okay in the end. If it isn't okay, it's not the end.》
×pfp by Miles John!

フォロー数:67 フォロワー数:41

I love Hal (unrelated to the picture)

1 9

More flats baby !

Maviks -> Tanata -> Johlan (not mine) and Mama -> Deisml !

3 14

AH! oh- it's just gay people

Ignore what the writing on the reference sheet says his name is Vrilan Slaytr, and he's a captain for 's pirate AU! Silly little rainbow drinker is his kismises Ceptio who belongs to

0 6

I want sushi. Want Buddah Cane roll and Taro Boba rnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrn

0 2

Thinking of changing my pfp submit your answers below

0 1

Roman use a designated color pallet so your drawings have consistency challenge

I always fail

Lennon (the one that isn't 5') belongs to

1 4

👉👈👉👈 My design for Time isn't necessarily a fan troll but idk I think it's pretty interesting

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