

Character artist for Unstable Games and Teeturtle, Hasbro, and animation rigger for Pixel Constructor. Professional Kaiju groupie. Email: [email protected]

フォロー数:874 フォロワー数:9083
# gomen

WELP. I accidentally created my next charm series...

3 23

have a Gretchen.

3 26

I can't believe I'm still up doing these… I'm almost done, the SHEEESH.

6 23

Gone past the point of return with these when I'm just making the hell I want.

0 12

Gomen, accidentally posted the wrong file.

6 30

Some mega and über babies…

9 30

Colored this after fixing some stuff… so much stuff

1 27

Electric pokemon times…

0 14

Slapped some sorta inks and kinda colors on Miss Farrah Quintanilla

0 22

A commission I did a while back! I still heart SU a lot.

13 53