Digivatar.eth | pixelart🎨.ethさんのプロフィール画像

Digivatar.eth | pixelart🎨.ethさんのイラストまとめ

Mixed-Media Digital Artist, Creative Director, @Sothebys #PixelArtist, #StrobeArt #Photographer, #Video. #FOJC, #Tico 🇨🇷

フォロー数:1780 フォロワー数:4014

You need to check this out. I am really having fun being a part of this community! & Schmryptomon! 💯👾

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It will touch a little on a few programs like Photoshop etc. But it will focus on using Pixaki App which is what I use and know best for pixel art work! 🫡

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Huge shout out to for being the collector of Gandabot, the genesis drop on the DigiPixels contract. LFG 🚀👾

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🧵4/9: 🧠Brainstorming Buddy: AI can act as an idea generator, offering inspiration and creative suggestions when you're stuck in a rut or need a fresh perspective. Let AI be your muse! 🎭💭

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