Decided to draw Lyra Heartstrings and Liza Doolots as Pokemon trainers for the Pokemon 25th anniversary. I think their mane styles and accessories are very cute on them.^^💜 #MLP#MLPFiM#Pokemon
Drew the three new pones. I was told they were foals so perhaps they will be the new trio after the crusaders? They remind me somewhat of them. Wonder what new adventures these three will have.^^💜 #MLPFiM#MLP#G5#mlpG5
Happy Hearth's Warming eve.^^
Flitter has knitted Cloudchaser a lovely sweater, tho, Rainbow Dash doesn't see the heart of the present and thinks it looks goofy. Don't let her get you down Cloudychaser, the best present is always hoofmade.^^💜 #MLP#MLPFiM#Pony
Derpy and Dinky hanging our with their coworker friends on the balcony of the Town Hall. From left to right: Snow Violet, Derpy, Dinky, Rainy Day and Sunny Delivery. A beautiful gathering hanging out and watching the sunset.^^💜 #MLP#MLPFiM#Pony#Art