

Professional Illustrator, Author, IT Professional, and Commander of the Retrostation1989

フォロー数:1462 フォロワー数:2148

by Kylogram

'The Patron Saint of Thoughts and Prayers'

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Here's to sobriety! :)
Congratulations, sincerely -

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For - celebrating sobreity - Congratulations!

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So - Here's a commission I did here at GameHoleCon - Check it out!

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I made this for But he's too busy with his God Above - and his beautiful wife below to recognize that he has Faithful in the world:

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I hate my day job.
Hire me for AEW.
I illustrate TTRPG's.

thought I was nice. He said so! (See you next week at GameholeCon man!)

I also make wrestling shirts - I did this one for

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Oh, and I said it before - but and can have this for free - but if they paid me? Imagine what I could do?

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