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Today is
Time to re-examine the roles dogs have played in
For centuries, artists have shown dogs accompanying blind subjects, performers & beggars across the world, suggesting that dogs lived/worked alongside disabled handlers.

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The black experience of polio was indelibly marked by racism. Many doctors in the early believed in race based ‘immunity’ to polio among African Americans. Segregation and racism also impacted the opportunities for treatment/rehabilitation.

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The healing wells were especially sought after to heal eye diseases and even blindness. Those seeking a cure would rise at dawn, followed the well’s pattern or prescribed ritual actions & bathed the eyes in the well’s water.

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A changeling was a fairy child that had been left in place of a human child stolen by the fairies. Changelings had large teeth, thick neck or skull or congenital differences. The theme of the disabled changeling child are found across Europe.

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Histories of disability activism are often centered in the minority worlds/Global North, despite the long narrative of activism across the world. In these photos, blind African women activists meet for seminar in Addis Ababa in 1981.

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