

I take in the fine things in life. Beer, Coffee, Art, Punk Rock, and NFTs.

フォロー数:4427 フォロワー数:2843

Almost time for the seasonal PFP change:

2 10

I'm hoping this custom from manifested the return of Tom in Blink 182..

3 19

This is the most beautiful piece of art I've purchased today.
Thank you for your continued excellence.

1 21

Attention fans!!
You know how insane this piece is!
Listed for 1eth, but willing to give a deal. Will also throw in clapper token if price is right. You end up with 3 pieces!
-clapper token (can re sell)
-#012 Harley
-superstar version!
Throw me an offer

4 5

These dudes were raging the other night at the pub.
An argument occurred, a fierce disturbance in their friendship... all over a gal.
It got bad, and now their future as buds is on the rocks. Charlie, Pumpkin and Time Traveller are holding their ground at the pub

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