Multi-Classed as an artist and gamer; hopeless and unapologetic #DragonAge #MassEffect #ElderScrolls and #DnD NERRRRRD!

フォロー数:359 フォロワー数:417

What a good looking party <3
Mien -half elf Druid (Circle of the Shepherd)
Isaac -human Eldritch Knight Fighter (& his familiar Miss Peeves)
Martha -half elf Bard of Lore
Nate -high elf Evocation Sorcerer
Rose -wood elf Rogue Scout
Dr. Victor -human Cleric of the Grave

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Childhood sweethearts... separated for 10 years... </3 ... will they ever find each other again??

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Ahhhhh my fire bae <3 Fire Genasi are LIT

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My sweet Water Genasi princess <3

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<3 He's a sassy birb <3
Redesign of Air Genasi for my homebrew... always felt Genasi got a little shafted so I'm playing around with them a bit to see what I can do to entice my players to use them ;D

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None of this would have been possible without you

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This is shaping up to be an interesting crew...

Sidion - Earth Genasi Barbarian, 6’7”
Ozwind - Halfling Wild Magic Sorcerer
Salem - Tabaxi Druid of the Moon, 5’0”
Rozel - Kobold Arcane Trickster Rogue
(And coming soon)
Tris - Aasimar Artificer, 5’1”

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Soooo where have I been? Deep deep in Lamora building my world for my future and first ever campaign, building countries and creating a rich environment for my players <3

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Martha and her big brother Nate <3

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