

🇯🇵🇺🇸 Production Editor & Brand Manager @kaitenbooks. SoCal AFGC TO. FG@UCI Alumni. Likes to see people shine their brightest! ⟨[email protected]

フォロー数:4981 フォロワー数:1584

This is like a time capsule.

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Mica legitimately trying to shift the timeline with all this 2020 GFL content holy fuck

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Actually, Lizardmen have some great content too. Getting back into Warhammer again was the best decision I could have ever made.

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Randomly decided to sponsor this online tournament. It broke 50 entrants in the last hour, so I’m adding $50 to the prize pool as a business expense. Also, Top 4 gets free manga. Apparently the total prize pool is up to $150 now? 😂

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I'm really hype for Huberta. Love her design the most. 😌

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Attention all artists and creators! (especially outside of the USA)

Economic stimulus will be hitting America very soon,
so if you haven't been shilling commissions or
kofi pages, NOW is the time to be doing so.

Secure the bag before inflation starts impacting
exchange rates!!!

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Hoping that the April patch adds louder swing SFX to both f.H and 2H since all you can hear is Gran yell. His other normals have good sound balance even when he talks. Just feels strange when you can hear the cutting sound on f.M and fist whiff sound on f.L, but these are silent.

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We live in the future now

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