

Also known as HDW
21, Quebecois, Het/Aro
All our thoughts and opinions are our own
Go Habs Go! Bit of a Yotes fan
And also sometimes an artist

フォロー数:675 フォロワー数:151

funny wolf man

Gift art for @/CampfireHarvest

4 16

Been a while since I used MSPaint for anything and I don't draw dragons enough. Super fun, I gotta do this more

5 16

Found out about pink fairy armadillos a while back and wanted to anthropomorphize one. I also wanted to practice with female bodies and 3 fingered hands. Workin' on it lul

3 19

Gift art for @/StrawbProto

Here's here protogen character in full armour!

13 54

spam dog has eaten the christmas turkey. no more christmas for anyone

3 18

his name is bob and he has a hat

24 70

Behold. A Bilingual Werewolf!

why did I draw this

7 23

Short sketch I did for

8 19