DokiDokiTsuna (NOW ON BLUESKY)さんのプロフィール画像

DokiDokiTsuna (NOW ON BLUESKY)さんのイラストまとめ… Hobbies include art, music, writing, eating fried things, and internal screaming.

フォロー数:98 フォロワー数:588

It's time for the art of the week!

I recently updated my style for the Summer Tour~

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Mere minutes before the time for the art of the week ends, I present my evil Hatsune Miku doppelganger once again, along with her new kohai, Lin and Ren Nayamine

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Loving both 'Nevermore' and Adam Taurus makes for a complicated existence...

...then again, I do enjoy drawing death scenes, so having a favorite character whose only remaining relevance is the fact that he is dead kinda works out OK for me

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Time for the art of the week! I'm feeling much better than last time~

So good, in fact, that I spent the morning coloring these special pics.
P.S. Pretty sure this is the first time I've ever drawn a motorcycle of any kind 😳

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Time for the art of the week again~. Here's something I drew...I don't remember when. :P

Trying to recover from some kind of muscle strain rn (in both my arms...). I don't know what happened or when it's gonna go away, but for the moment I can barely draw or type or anything...

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It's time for the art of the week~
Here's a random thing I drew a couple days ago (with and without fx)

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Another WIP! This one came out nice~

I just realized that Movie Maker is usually really mean to GIFs (it likes to freeze and delay them) so I may have some issues with this new more-detailed style...stay tuned

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So I spent my 4th of July drawing spider-people.🙃

(L. reclusa and T. grallator, respectively)

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It's time for the art of the week! Today we present a 'before and after'.

I'm doing a series of revamped designs (+ character bios) on my Tumblr blog! You can check out the first one here:

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Presenting a doodle of Dr. Pandora, based on a pic I found on the wiki.

The catsuit is cute, but tbh I prefer her default look with the blue dress. uvu

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