


フォロー数:376 フォロワー数:616

Day 47 idk 100 and something... up late night browsing the floor. Stacked hair traits, Double swords & Gosuku clothing. Don't forget the Afro. I do this for me! Minis make my days better. Need more prints!!!!!

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Day 45 This is a special mini as it Marks the 100 token I own from the collection. Will I continue or will I fade out who knows but I do know there still isn't a community I have been in that is better than my MINI FAM.

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Day 42 Peanut Butter Jelly W/ a baseball bat. I do believe I am at 93 minisupers my goal is 100 and I may chill for a bit, but quite honestly it is hard for me not to buy one when i see something I like.

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Day 41
Another clean mini, I'm just sayin all the minisupers clothing could be a line. I'd rock almost every piece, almost cause a few are tailored strictly to women. We Need more women in the space. Tag a Lady you know who'd vibe.

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Day 38 This hair trait has slowly grown on my, not my fav, but def starting to appreciate it more and more. my 1st ever minted mini has this hair but diff color. Again with this T-shirt. !!WE NEED IT SUPER!! Double swords somebody stop Me!

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Day 37 is my latest mini. I scooped her off the floor for a wopping .01 + insane Gwei lol jk but this is beyond a steal for me to own more of Art. Brev i just need this T-shirt to fruitate into IRL. (is that correct English lol.

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Day 32 MINISUPERS TO THE MOON🚀🚀🚀 Yellow Space Suit. Angry mouth trait! cause Custers dont appreciate real art!

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Day 30 Bouncing around my collection, this mini has one of the Best traits from the whole collection. STUNNA SHADES👓 There are only 63 out of 6000+ minis with these. Did I mention none are listed, this trait is .90% If you have post it.

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Day 27 This one has grown on me the color contrast the dark skin on this sun/orange gradient. It's so flaming. The hypno eyes, and the dot green eyebrows be hittin' 420 cause of course. Choppa on her back ready to let it spray. BULLISH!

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Day 26
Need I say anything, just look at her! Clean Amber Rose buzz cut. Kaosu mouth,"Made by Laser" T. need the bull market back so we can have some serious merch drops cause im wearing nothing but and Jeans

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