

A weird dude that draws the big boob and occasional cool robot.

フォロー数:2040 フォロワー数:10661

Domopath Traveler, part II

7 40

You've made your creator furious.

Way to go, fuckos.

1 15

The Great and Almighty God of Creation, Dius, lord of the heavens, saint of the storm.

0 11

A Lock Elemental bound to the lock of a diary. She's long outlived whoever that book belonged to...

5 34

Maybe an unexpected guest will photobomb your TL.

...Yep, it's her!

6 68

Not satisfied with mere material gain, the Famine Elemental is coming for your food- and your life.

2 14

Athena the fighting robot! Sheee's at- your command! Athena the fighting robot! The pooower is in your haaand!

16 61

Buzz doesn't make the rules, she just enforces them.

3 52