

A Kirby fan and An RPG enthusiastic. Vespiquen Greatest fan. PMD Modder. Chilean from Chile. JaiFain#9030 Commissions are always available!

フォロー数:492 フォロワー数:276

tanto RPG y muy poco espacio xD ojala salga Crono o alguno de estos who

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Venus Adepts, a fundamental part of GS parties, 3 out of 4 of them being leaders and one being the guide through a new founded hope, not much left to say, they're quiet but also the base of the group, like the ground people walk on.

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ajsjasjasj no perdere esta oportunidad

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Tuve que pensar un poco el 3ro pero creo que Saturos no te queda tan mal

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a ver si encuentras el patron

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Jupiter Adepts, even if they're portraited by sages with a great knowledge, they're the most sentimental characters, probably because they're the youngest in the group or with high social status, Karis is the only different case, maybe because is the only who can't read minds.

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Good enough i am, my bru. Take the time you wanna have, no one is going to pull you away of this responsability :) Have a mini GARET.

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mis 4 shinys favoritos, nomino al si es que esto se puede llamar tag.

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Te nomino a un tag. ¿cual de estos personajes ficticios que empiezan con P prefieres?

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