

ボクはずっとボクだよ.日本語を勉強しています,まだまだです。 Musician• Producer• Anti-establishment•

フォロー数:139 フォロワー数:135

I’ve figured it out guys

0 1

“If I can’t have Pyrrha no other women can have me.”

1 6

what if.. I cut my..
next volume..
Haha just
kidding... unless..?

71 236

My Necromancer that is a Vampire, can’t get any new ones today because I have no internet atm 😭

0 4

Hmmm not sure what reaction that is but I’m in

0 0

Got my Necro to 600 today man I love the Necro and I’m at 19k dps without my gear fully upgraded 👀 her name is Athynea

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