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Spooffy, one of my own little creatures.
Hoping this gif animates properly. It hasn't in the past, hoping this method proves different.
Gustai, Windai, and Nimbai
The Wisp, Zephyr, and Nimbus Pokemon
Which looks better, Left or Right?
Which of these look better, left or right? (The lighting is different)
#MetalGearSolid's #PsychoMantis and #SolidSnake complete!
*controller rumbling intensifies*
The Dairy Queen, herself.
#Whitney, #Clefairy, and #Miltank from #Pokemon Gold, Silver, and Crystal!
Imo, hardest battle in the franchise.
Everyone who beat Whitney in Gold/ Silver that used a Heracross or Dynamic Punch need to go back and redo it.
It's a rite of passage.
30-40 minutes of coloring. 1 or 2 more steps to go