

Dome of Chrome. Voice of Sandpaper. Professional Alcoholic. Drunken Ramblings. Designed by @kanamenagi

フォロー数:170 フォロワー数:342

Doom was supposed to receive the CF Platinum art and they sent him an Elphelt instead

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When you getting win number 4

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Doom runs these
Fire plays neutral for you
Wind you can kinda use for AA but Doom mainly uses it in setup
Ice you can do after a lvl 3 D shot
In the corner you can do like xxx > air combo > lvl 3 D > Ice assist > dash Wind assist and you can setup 623A for free and make it meaty

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At best in official art she's given maybe a 15-16 year old's figure, certainly not mature

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The 2nd is “technically” 17 if you go by the timeline iirc

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