

Mainly twitch streaming right now. No thoughts: Head Empty (sometimes goes grumpy gremlin mode)

フォロー数:156 フォロワー数:177

Decided to bust out my inks and do a little painting for old times sake. chose a moment from a recent video that made me cackle

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I haven't drawn in a while so it's a bit rough but here's Socks. I don't usually ask this but it would mean a lot to me if people shared Socks, rt or just repost the image with whatever. I know it's silly, but I promised Socks I would spread their likeness.

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oh my god why is it so hard to find a program that can cut a clip out of a fucking movie without glitching the audio? i have been trying ALL DAY to make a goddamn clip of Robert Zimmeruski screaming "cheddah wizy"

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well, theres only one way to celebrate

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decided to make a recently. I made a concious choice to challenge the sexual dymorphism of the setting by using Max's snout

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Fighting evil by moonlight,
Raising Max by daylight

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Another Blursed Goofy (Johnny Bravo)

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Keep your stance wide
Keep your body lowered
As you're moving forward
Balance is the key
Right foot, left foot
Now go even faster
And as you're moving backwards
Throw the Perfect Cast

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Goofy mixed with Bugs kinda works tho? Used Bugs as an excuse to feminize the classic Goofy outfit

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