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Here's some @ToddGlass #fanart because I wanted to make #ToddGlass fanart.
That's all. This exists now. That's nice.
@PatrickRothfuss @CatieOsaurus @Molly23 and @OneShotRPG #WorldBuilding together is some solid noise to fill a room with
Folks seemed to appreciate it when I appreciated @ClaireMax with #fanart so here's some more practice of a digital doodle of their magnificent muscle art!
@byduncanshields McBarge on day 1 vs modern day. He has seen some battles.
Getting @dropout to watch the @GameChangerSam spinoff #MakeSomeNoise with the official #NoiseBoys @joshruben @ZacOyama and @BrennanLM is the gift you can give yourself!
Please your earholes right now!
... Wow this recommendation went weird fast.
The #NoiseBoys are back to #MakeSomeNoise on @dropout tonight as @GameChangerSam gets its first spin-off.
I have NOTHING to do with this show other than loving it!
Excited to see @joshruben @BrennanLM and @ZacOyama make @samreich go full giggle fits!
@RedDwarfHQ figured we can always use some more #RedDwarf crew #fanart!
Seemed like a fine night to do some @bobbyllew #Kryten #fanart and binge a bit of #RedDwarf if I do say so myself.
The word "productive" is fascinating.
It seems wholly positive, you have engaged in the act of production.
You have made what wasn't into what now is.
But it's also free of judgement re: how NEEDED that product is.
For instance, 4+ hours spent making #HeMan portraits.
Your feed needs more @actordougjones #AbeSapien #Hellboy #fanart
So I got that all sorted out for you.